“Our algorithms have been designed to accurately recognize QRS complexes (with 99.9% sensitivity!), classify beats and identify run time episodes with high performance values. For example, we detect AFIB in more than 99.6% of cases.”
Heart Rate Variability
measure specific changes in the time between successive heart beats
Quickly recognize and overview patterns

"ECGalert sets a new standard for cardiovascular technology. It opens up never before seen possibilities for beat detection, classification and predictive diagnoses"
— Fund for Innovation and Technology Development for the Republic of Macedonia
Sinus node arrhytmia
Normal sinus rhythm
Sinus bradycardia
Sinus tachycardia
Sinus arrest pause
Third degree sinoatrial block
Atrial arrhythmia
Premature Atrial Contractions
Atrial tachycardia
Atrial flutter
Atrial fibrillation
Ventricular arrhythmia
Premature Ventricular Contractions
Ventricular Escape Beats
Fusion of Ventricular and Normal beats
Ventricular Bigeminy and Trigemini
Ventricular Short and Long runs
Idioventriuclar Rhythm
Ventricular Tachycardia
Ventricular Flutter
Ventricular Fibrillation
diagnostic and monitoring software
CE Certified software as a medical device
Automated diagnostics through AI algorithms
Access all ECG data and reports online
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